Movie Librarian Anti-Trojan Online Security and Privacy Site
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Very Basic Installation Guide

Requirements: Movie Librarian requires a web server with PHP 4.x support and a MySQL database installed (of course you can modify it to use another database if you want).

Installation of Movie Librarian is quite simple. Just follow these quick start instructions:

  1. Open the archive file you downloaded.
  2. Edit dbconn.php and change the parameters used to connect to MySQL database.
  3. Upload all the files to your web server, into a directory of its own (e.g. 'movies').
  4. Point your web browser to the install.php script (e.g.
  5. Enter an admin user name, a password, and an e-mail address for the admin user (this address will not be seen by your users).
  6. Go to admin.php (e.g. and add new users as necessary.
  7. If everything went ok, DELETE the install.php script from your web server.
  8. Now you can announce your site to the users you just added (e.g.

Movie Librarian
Copyright (C) 2004 Selcuk Ayguney